Spiros Politis

Awards time

I’m ever so pleased to announce that my portrait of artist William Blanchard,a.k.a Wildcat Will, will be exhibited in the Association of Photographers Awards 2012 at Ambika P3from October 3rd when the medal winners of the awards will be announced too.

Wildcat Will’s show is now on at The Strand Gallery, London

Darcey Bussell in beautiful red dress

A snap of me shooting Darcey Bussell this weekend.Apart from her illustrious career as principal dancer at The Royal Ballet, she can nowadd being a judge in the new series of ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ commencing in September to her CV.A special thanks to Darcey for making it all so easy; to Marcella for all the amazing dresses; to Gina for the make up and hair and to Vanessa for the image below and for a great shoot.

For all things Darcey Bussell go here

A short Spiros talk about shooting bands…

A month ago I did a 10min talk about working with bands, record labels and magazines, as part of the D&AD Sharp’ner “Picture A Sound”. Showed a few images too…well around 150…and said “uhm” a lot….The good people at D&AD filmed the talk for posterity and you can watch it here, where you can also see the other 4 speakers on the night talking about projects dealing with bands, musicians and record labels.Once again a big thank you to design group Form who curated the evening.

D&AD Sharp’ner: “Picture A Sound”

Last night, as part of design group Form’s 21st anniversary I spoke about working as a photographer with record labels and magazines.It was a great night with 4 other speakers who all in their own way have been involved with the record/music industry.Anthony Burrill kicked off the night with a briliant story about how he got to design his favourite band’s, Kraftwerk’s, website.That was followed by my talk and extensive slide show; then Paul West from Form took us through his excellent journey followed by journalist Peter Robinson, who runs Popjustice, with a tour de force of tales from the pop world.Finally sound designers Adelphoi showed us impressive examples of their work.Brilliant evening and a very special thank you to Paula and Paul of Form.The talk was filmed and will be up on the D&AD website in a few weeks time when I’ll put up a link for all of you who couldn’t make it.In the meantime enjoy the weblinks…and the funny shot of us all below…

Form 21st Anniversary

Make your way to design group Form’s 21st anniversary exhibition in Shoreditch before Thursday14th June.Its a great inspirational show for all you out there interested in visuals in the music industry and beyond.The centrepiece(s) of the show are 21 objects that somehow played a part, or were the inspiration behind some of Form’s projects.Great stories accompany each object.More details here:http://www.form.uk.com/newsletter/Here’s an oldie I shot for them back in the ’90s:

The band was called Two Thirds – but there were 3 members in it.I never quite got my head around that one…

New website layout

My website has now had a long overdue overhaul. Biggest difference is that you can now view the images on their own and control the slideshows.Have a peek: www.spirospolitis.com

Our House In The Middle of The Street

Here is an office our friends at Sideshow and myself constructed and shot for a new BT advert.Out now in the papers.Quite a technical puzzle had to be solved and I got to balance 14ft up high on a scaffold.

I love twitterfeed!

My new blog entries are now automatically posted onto my twitter account.

Hyper Real

I worked closely with a team of wonderful people in California,New York and London for a U.S client to achieve these ‘hyper real’ images as part of a campaign for what can only be described as a tech giant.

Slim Bright new Laptops

From a recent advertising shoot for an American client.Wonderful range of people was shot in the studio and on location.